the home ground of paro fc
Woochu Sports Arena
Paro FC was formed by a group of football enthusiasts from Paro, and important founding principal of Paro Football Club besides promoting football is to maintain close ties with the community, youths and regional institutions and foster a sense of belongingness as in the old days.
Our aim is to serve the community through the medium of sports, the club seeks to contribute towards our nations philosophy of gross national happiness through sports development activities.

Paro FC hopes to set up its home ground within Luni gewog as the founders are all from Luni gewog. Since Woochu School sports ground was not fully operational and under financial constraints to maintain it properly, there was an opportunity for collaboration between Paro FC and Woochu lower secondary school. Besides there was lack of properly maintained sporting grounds within Paro Dzongkhag. Although there are several football grounds in Paro Dzongkhag, most are poorly maintained due to lack of proper management and funding.
Installing Sachubumtay
Marchang Ceremony
Religious Ceremony
Co-Owners with Religious Leader
Woochu ground has the potential of becoming one of the best sporting ground in Bhutan. The ground is ideally located and easily accessible for most of the residents of the Dzongkhag. With proper management the ground can be transformed into a sporting destination that will benefit the entire dzongkhag. The ground has the potential to be a model for other dzongkhags to emulate, and be an example of grassroots partnership between community and schools for mutual benefit.
The management of Woochu ground was directly under the school management board. The management has been trying their best to be able to Provide safe and functional fields. However, with limited funding the ground and its facilities could never be improved. To secure the funding , the management has also introduced the system of fees collection, which was not consistent and regular source of income. We believed that outsourcing the ground management to Paro FC could drastically improve the safety, hygiene and functionality of ground. It will also ease the burden on school management board and confirms the regular source of income to school.
The ground was two decades old, the pitch and sports facilities have not improved since it’s founding. Minor repair and maintenance work are done on an annual basis, which is not sufficient to keep the ground fit for proper sporting activities.
Football Ground
105M X 64M -
Academy Ground A
List Item Description -
Academy Ground B
55M X 26M -
Mini Pitch
38M X 28M -
Mini Educational Pitch
12M X 6M
The primary reason for this situation is a lack of adequate funding . The little or no help in terms of funding coming in to alleviate the situation, this is a lost opportunity for school students and the youths of Paro valley to enjoy the full potential of a well developed sports ground.
Serendipitously the state of affairs provides an opportunity for both Paro FC and school. Paro FC having required to set up a home and training ground, had managed to lease the sports ground for a period of 30 years. The facilities are then redeveloped at par with international standard. The old football ground’s dimension was extended and laid with artificial turf and lights. The adjacent grounds were redeveloped into two academy grounds, mini pithes and educational pitch. Paro FC shall use the ground as its Home ground and for training and Matches. Paro FC will on regular basis conduct coaching classes for youth and organize sporting events to spread public awareness on the benefits of sporting activities. The facilities will also be made available for general public on minimum pay and use basis to make it financially self sustainable.
The Woochu Sports Arena have infrastructure, facilities that will create opportunities for enthusiastic footballers and sports lover within the Dzongkhag.
Further the initiatives has helped club own its own football ground and to establish its own academy where talented youths can be trained at a young age to fulfill their potential as footballers by providing superior coaching and training.
The club aspires to play an important role in the development of football in Bhutan.
- Volley Ball Court
- Badminton
- Basketball Court
- Tennis Court
- Table Tennis
- Teq Ball
- Sling Line
- Khuru ( Bhutanese Dart)
- Cafeteria
- Souvenir shop
- Media Corner
- Trophy Corner
- Changing room
- Parking